Monday, May 25, 2009



I love mirrors! They can really open up a room! Especially big ones like these Floor Mirrors. You might not realize how much difference a mirror makes until you remove one that's always been there. We are redoing our bathroom and when the mirror came out I felt like I was walking into a hole!


Large floor mirrors can get on the expensive side, but if you can wing it, it's a great way to enlarge a room and use up a lot of wall space.


Plus, who doesn't like to get a full view of themselves every time you walk out the door? I know one girl that probably wishes she had one of these!


Mirrors don't just open up your space. They can also be a piece of art. Like this rustic wood framed mirror.



I just love round mirrors! Big huge ones that are the same size as the furniture they're above.


If you can't do the big expensive mirrors try putting together a bunch of small ones. You can cluster them like this above a dresser or other piece of furniture...


Or you can line them along a wall to make a continuous piece of art. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy plain mirrors at a craft store and buy frames you like separately.


Mary Beth said...

i hadn't thought about buying a plain sheet of mirror and then framing it

Unknown said...

Love your decor. Thanks for the ideas. Floor mirrors look really elegant and it's hard to choose them. I found my floor mirror at Ballard Designs.